A lost place in Singapore

Jalan Kubor Cemetery - Singapore

A lost place in Singapore? Doesn't sound very likely. With space being always an issue and super expensive, abandoned places are quickly demolished and something new and bigger will replace them soon. But there is a place between the Arab quarter and Little India that has survived.

The Jalan Kubor Cemetery is an abandoned Muslim cemetery. You can find it on Victoria Street between Victoria Lane and Jin Kubor. There are no fences or anything alike. Just a warning sign is telling you that this is an old graveyard that is not kept in order anymore. There are dozen of fallen tombstones, but the star is the old building in the middle of the cemetery.


I was there on a Saturday afternoon and no one else was around. At dusk or dawn, it might be a pretty spooky place, but you can take decent pictures during the day as well. You just have to handle the high contrast when it's sunny. So if you can choose, you better go on an overcast day.


Street art in Singapore


exhibition "Fumes & Perfumes", Stuttgart