Flight and arrival - Tenerife, the diverse island - 1


Sun., 5th Sept. - Flight and arrival

We get up as on an ordinary working day, pack the rest of our stuff and leave home close to 8 am. The drive to Munich airport is super relaxed, very little traffic.

Just the opposite is the case at Lufthansa's business check-in. I can't remember many days in the pre-Corona era when it was this crowded. Thanks to my Senator status, we are able to spend the time before boarding in the lounge. Here we take the opportunity for an early lunch, as we don't expect to get much on the flight (in fact they do have a variety of meals and snacks that you can buy, but nothing for free).


The flight is nothing special, except for the fact that you just have to wear a mask all the time. The seats and service are much better than TUI or especially the Spanish airlines, so I'm glad there was the option to fly Lufthansa.


Freya finds it funny that the flight captain announces himself with the words: "This is the flight captain speaking from the cockpit". From where else, please? Also, that the stewardess thanks him for the "standing ovation" after landing hits her sense of humor. But that was probably also due to the nice speech before. After an aborted landing attempt, she said "two landings for the price of one, that's something".


Our luggage arrives early, but that is of no use because we have to wait for another couple to be taken with us to Puerto de la Cruz.


An hour later we arrive at the Taoro Garden Hotel [] that is situated high above the city. Mid-sized, quiet with a nice pool for Freya and big trees in the garden. Next to it is a park (no, not the Taoro) where people walk their dogs or go jogging.

Since I assumed that we don't feel like walking all the way to the city center today, I already looked around for dinner options at home.  We decide to go to Alberto's bar, which should have a good Sangria and pizza. Well the Sangria was really good (and strong), but forget the Pizza - one from the fridge tastes better.



First walk through Puerto de la Cruz and pick up the car - Tenerife, the diverse island - 2


Gallery - Tenerife, the diverse island