Pandas in Chengdu

Red Panda - Chengdu - China

First published in 2014

The Chinese province Sichuan is home to the Giant Panda. There are some Nature Reserves you can visit, but the easiest way to see them outside of a zoo is in Chengdu. The “Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding” is situated in the north of Chengdu.

It is not really a wildlife resort but different from the usually air-conditioned houses used in zoos, the Pandas here can stroll around in relatively big compounds. Plus there are not only one or two of them but dozens. While the Giant Pandas are separated from the visitors the Red Pandas can stroll around more freely and use the walkways of the visitors.

I highly recommend being there early and not to miss the feeding as this is the part of the day the pandas are active, later you might find them only laying around sleeping. The park opens at 7:30 and feeding starts at 8:00, so 8:30 is the time you should be there latest. You can reach the park by public transportation, but that might be not so easy in the morning. So better take a taxi.


Guangzhou by night


National Centre for the Performing Arts - Beijing