Hong Kong 2024 - Destinations for repeaters (Part 2)

Central & Western District Promenade - Hong Kong - China

In this second part, we look at the destinations that I headed for after sunset. You can find the first part of the report with the day's destinations here.

As I wrote there, I rather avoided the usual tourist destinations. That's why you won't find the Peak here. However, you will find destinations that are not on every "10 places in Hong Kong that you absolutely must not miss" list.

Since I have already described some of the better-known places earlier, I will add a few links to the corresponding posts at the end.


Ocean Terminal Car Park

For me, the best view of the Hong Kong Island skyline is not from the promenade in Kowloon, but from the Ocean Terminal Car Park. This also applies to the nightly laser show [] even if you miss out on the soundtrack (although there seems to be an app that allows you to listen to it anyway).


Hong Kong skyline from Cha Kwo Ling Promenade

If you want to see both the skyscrapers on Hong Kong Island and those on the Kowloon side, you have to drive a little further. I chose a spot near the new Cruise Ship Terminal. This is located where the Hong Kong airport used to be.

To get there, I took the ferry from North Point Ferry Pier on Hong Kong Island to Kwun Tong Ferry Pier. The ferry ride alone is worth it.

From the ferry pier, it is only a few meters to Cha Kwo Ling Promenade. The walk to the nearest metro station, Lam Tin, is a little further, but still manageable.


Tai Po Waterfront Park

Tai Po is located in the New Territories. Here, too, a nice park [] has been created along the shore. However, the view here is not of the harbor, but of the sea. I found pictures of this lookout tower on the internet and thought it might be worth a visit in the evening.

Getting there is a bit of a drag, as you have to walk quite a distance from the nearest metro stop. There is also a bus service, but I didn't try it. An alternative is of course to take a taxi. There is a taxi-stand in front of Tai Po station.


Central & Western District Promenade

The Central & Western District Promenade has only been established in recent years. From the name, you would expect it to connect the two districts. In reality, however, the promenade is interrupted by the ferry jetties all the way to the Macao Ferry Terminal.

This and the cover picture were taken on the part in Central near Tamar Park. From there, you can walk towards the Ferris wheel and ferry terminal with ease.


Two International Finance Center

The roof garden of the IFC near the ferry pier in Central was always a recommendation. In the meantime, however, they have covered the viewpoints with high glass panes. Of course, you still have a nice view, but for photos they are not really suitable anymore.

You can find some pictures from a previous visit here.


High-rise residential buildings

This is a rather special topic. For my series "looking straight up", I checked out a few high-rise buildings where you can get into the inner courtyards. Unfortunately, this is not (legally) possible for many of them. But there are also some where it is possible and you can set up your tripod without any problems. The best known is certainly the Monster Building [], which I visited a few years ago.


Links to other destinations described in this blog

Here, as promised, some links to additional destinations in Hong Kong:



The southern part of the Alsace Wine Route


Hong Kong 2024 - Destinations for repeaters (Part 1)